Introducing cyber laws in school curriculum is imperative!
Today cybercrimes are not only the most misunderstood Criminal Act but also are the one which is being executed from the ease of one’s living room. Going by reports and media compilations, cybercrimes is emerging as the most-practiced criminal activities among educated youths and also among school-going teenagers. With internet offering all the ways of committing these crimes on platter, anyone with even little proficiency in computing tries his hands at one or the other version of cybercrime. Most of these criminals are first-timer who on the outset does not even realise that their actions are actually felonies.
Be it juveniles or grown up youths, most of these people try their hand on identity theft , hacking, spreading viruses, downloading illegal music/movies, posting derogatory content, defaming users and many other such acts. Most of these crimes are treated as fun-element and a matter of elitism amongst the peers which is the underline reason at the first place. For instance, some hacking for the first time has no knowledge about the trap he/she is falling into and the repercussion that it would bring with itself. Most of the time, it is done to impress friends or attracts applauds of the peers. Unlike other conventional crimes, cybercrimes is still deemed unconventional as most of the cyber users fancy hacking and other related activities and treats these as entertainment rather than an offence. The basic difference between cybercrimes and other similar crimes is the fact that unlike other crimes, cybercrimes is introduced to kids by their friends or by the some virtual user. Even today, when IT and internet has become an important part of school curriculum, cybercrimes are still to see a dawn.
With cybercrimes being attempted at every other home, it’s imperative to introduce the same at age (and in the way), schools introduce other criminal and unethical behaviours. Around 1,630 arrests were made for cybercrimes (under the Information Technology Act, 2000) in 2011 alone, which is a sharp increase from 2010 by almost 100 per cent. With emergence of smart phones and mobile telephony, cybercrimes have seen a paradigm shift . A flip through any national daily would be enough to gauge the spread of such crimes. According to the TCS GenY survey 2011-12, comprising over 12,000 school students, between the age group of 12 and 18, found that around 85 per cent of students possess FB accounts. The survey further found that, “the average time spent online by 33 per cent of children surveyed is about 60 minutes, while around 6 per cent say they spend more than six hours on the Internet.” Most of these users today access the internet through their smart phones, which are at their disposal at their convenience and demands virtually no checks and authentication.
At the disposal of the government wonks to curb problem are certain laid down cyber laws circling Information Technology Act, 2000. The IT laws in the country are protected by harshest of punishments sweeping through the legal bindings for anybody daring to flout it, including children and juvenile students. The measure up of the legal actions that can be initiated against the perpetrators of cybercrimes can be with a fine up to Rs 1 crore or up to 10 years of imprisonment. Th at talks as loudly as possible of imminent danger that young students are susceptible to regarding their misadventure that is often a figment of young blood verve than cold-blooded crime endeavour. Therefore introducing and comprehensive explaining of cyber laws’ details should be the first priority of education bureaucrats to insulate the adolescent sorcery with internet rather than ruining their career.
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